Friday was the last day of "White Week". For one week after their first Communion, the children must return to church each day for one hour wearing their Communion clothes. Since the clothing is white it is called "White Week". The first pictures in the slideshow are some of these children.
The rest of the pictures were taken at our Spring party. A wonderful event for us and, hopefully, our guests. This time our party was a combination of cousins and friends. It was great! Of course, no party is complete without our friend Zybszek Śnitała but we also had Joanna Wąsiewicz-Rager, Tony Knatt and new friends, Marciń and Dorota Sniegocka. I have known them for over a year but it was the first time Joan met Marciń and Dorota and we had a chance to have extended conversations.
From the cousin side of the party there was Marek & Luka Paluch, Władysław and Marcelina Kielar with their daughter, Magda. They own the flower shop where I always buy our flowers from. Władek has a vast knowledge of horticulture and always has something interesting to say. Marcelina is a bundle of energy, always smiling and when we talk it's like off to the races to try to keep up with her. I like her energy very much. Magda is extremely intelligent, has traveled to many interesting places and works for Allegro. Allegro is like the Polish version of Ebay. We had invited cousin Maciej Wiśniewski and his wife, Wioletta, also but with two children it wasn't possible to find a babysitter this time and so they couldn't make it to the party.
We started at 7:30PM with the arrival of Zbyszek and by 8:30 everyone was here. As is the custom in Poland, all guests arrived with some kind of present and tonight was no exception. We received five different types of flowers, a very unique decanter, a beautiful Bolesławiec fruit bowl and a book I have been wanting to read, The Peasant Prince. It's a book about Tadeusz Kosciuszko and the Age of Revolution.
Fortunately the weather was in our favor and we were able to use the balcony. It was a beautiful night with stars and a brightly shining half-moon. After an hour and half or so drinking wine, vodka and eating cheese, peanuts and potato chips we started serving coffee, tea and the pastries I had bought together with Joans cheesecake. The cheesecake, of course, was a big hit and two people asked for the recipe. Thanks, Anna, Joan was sure to tell them who she got the recipe from. She calls it, Anna's Lublin cheesecake.
It wasn't a long lasting party, at 11PM Zbyszek, Joanna, Dorota and Marciń left and by 11:30PM the remaining cousins also said goodbye. We did the intial cleanup and when we wake up we will wash all the dishes and put everything away. Spring party is over, time to start planning the Summer party for next time. Thanks to everyone who attended!!!!!!
The rest of the pictures were taken at our Spring party. A wonderful event for us and, hopefully, our guests. This time our party was a combination of cousins and friends. It was great! Of course, no party is complete without our friend Zybszek Śnitała but we also had Joanna Wąsiewicz-Rager, Tony Knatt and new friends, Marciń and Dorota Sniegocka. I have known them for over a year but it was the first time Joan met Marciń and Dorota and we had a chance to have extended conversations.
From the cousin side of the party there was Marek & Luka Paluch, Władysław and Marcelina Kielar with their daughter, Magda. They own the flower shop where I always buy our flowers from. Władek has a vast knowledge of horticulture and always has something interesting to say. Marcelina is a bundle of energy, always smiling and when we talk it's like off to the races to try to keep up with her. I like her energy very much. Magda is extremely intelligent, has traveled to many interesting places and works for Allegro. Allegro is like the Polish version of Ebay. We had invited cousin Maciej Wiśniewski and his wife, Wioletta, also but with two children it wasn't possible to find a babysitter this time and so they couldn't make it to the party.
We started at 7:30PM with the arrival of Zbyszek and by 8:30 everyone was here. As is the custom in Poland, all guests arrived with some kind of present and tonight was no exception. We received five different types of flowers, a very unique decanter, a beautiful Bolesławiec fruit bowl and a book I have been wanting to read, The Peasant Prince. It's a book about Tadeusz Kosciuszko and the Age of Revolution.
Fortunately the weather was in our favor and we were able to use the balcony. It was a beautiful night with stars and a brightly shining half-moon. After an hour and half or so drinking wine, vodka and eating cheese, peanuts and potato chips we started serving coffee, tea and the pastries I had bought together with Joans cheesecake. The cheesecake, of course, was a big hit and two people asked for the recipe. Thanks, Anna, Joan was sure to tell them who she got the recipe from. She calls it, Anna's Lublin cheesecake.
It wasn't a long lasting party, at 11PM Zbyszek, Joanna, Dorota and Marciń left and by 11:30PM the remaining cousins also said goodbye. We did the intial cleanup and when we wake up we will wash all the dishes and put everything away. Spring party is over, time to start planning the Summer party for next time. Thanks to everyone who attended!!!!!!
Piątek był ostatnim dniem "Biały Tydzień". Przez tydzień po ich pierwszej Komunii, dzieci muszą wrócić do kościoła każdego dnia przez jedną godzinę na sobie ubrania komunijne. Od odzieży jest biała nazywana jest "White Week". Pierwsze zdjęcia w pokazie slajdów są niektóre z tych dzieci.
Reszta zdjęcia zostały zrobione w naszej partii roku. Wspaniałe wydarzenie dla nas i, miejmy nadzieję, nasi goście. Tym razem nasza strona była połączeniem kuzynów i przyjaciół. To było świetne! Oczywiście, żadna ze stron nie jest kompletna bez naszego przyjaciela Zybszek Śnitała ale miała również Joanna Wąsiewicz-Rager, Tony Knatt i nowych przyjaciół, Marcin i Dorota Sniegocka. Znam ich od ponad roku, ale to było po raz pierwszy spotkał się Marcin i Joanna Dorota i mieliśmy szansę, by przedłużyć rozmowy.
Od strony kuzyna strony nie było Marek & Luka Paluch, Władysław i Marceliny Kielar z ich córka, Magda. Są właścicielami kwiaciarni, gdzie zawsze kupisz nasze kwiaty. Władek ma szeroką wiedzę o ogrodnictwie i zawsze ma coś ciekawego do powiedzenia. Marcelina jest wiązką energii, zawsze uśmiechnięty i kiedy mówimy to jak wyłączyć na wyścigi, aby utrzymać się z nią. I jak bardzo jej energii. Magda jest bardzo inteligentny, udał się do wielu ciekawych miejsc i pracuje dla Allegro. Allegro jest jak w polskiej wersji serwisu eBay. Mieliśmy zaproszenie kuzyna Maciej Wiśniewski i jego żona Wioletta, ale także z dwójką dzieci nie można było znaleźć opiekunkę i tym razem tak nie mógłby się do partii.
Rozpoczęliśmy o godzinie 7:30 wieczorem wraz z pojawieniem się Zbyszek i wszyscy się o 8:30. Jak to jest w zwyczaju w Polska, wszyscy goście przybyli z jakimś obecnym i dzisiaj nie był wyjątkiem. Otrzymaliśmy pięć różnych rodzajów kwiatów, karafki bardzo wyjątkowy, piękny puchar i owoców Bolesławiec książce zostały chcących czytać, Peasant Prince. To książka o Tadeuszu Kościuszko i wiek rewolucji.
Na szczęście pogoda była na naszą korzyść i mogliśmy korzystać z balkonem. To był piękny wieczór z gwiazdami i jasno świecące półksiężyc. Po godzinie i tak pół lub picia wina, wódki i jedzenia sera, orzeszków ziemnych i ziemniaków frytki zaczęliśmy zaprasza na kawę, herbatę i ciastka, którą kupiłem wraz z sernika Joan. Sernik, oczywiście, był to wielki hit i dwie osoby poprosiły o przepis. Dzięki, Anna, Joanna była pewna, powiedz im, kim jest, ale z recepta. Ona to nazywa, sernik Anny Lublinie.
To nie był długotrwały strony, przy 11pm Zbyszek, Joanna, Dorota i Marcin w lewo i 11:30 PM kuzynów pozostając pożegnał. Zrobiliśmy wstępne czyszczenie i kiedy się budzimy będziemy umyć wszystkie naczynia i od wszystkiego. Wiosna nad stroną, czas zacząć planować strona Summer na przyszłość. Dziękujemy wszystkim, którzy uczestniczyli !!!!!!
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