Jumat, 30 April 2010

skoda 2 review

here is a little review of skoda
Performance Performance rating
The Fabia offers a wide range of engines. Choices include 59bhp and 68bhp 1.2s, an 84bhp 1.4 and a 103bhp 1.6-litre petrol engines. All engines come with a five-speed manual gearbox as standard, but the 1.6 allows you to specify a semi-automatic gearbox. There are also two versions of Skoda's 1.4-litre turbodiesel, giving either 68bhp or 79bhp, while a 103bhp 1.9-litre engine tops the diesel range.
Ride & handling Ride & handling rating

The Fabia is big by supermini standards, but it's dinky enough to excel in the city, and light controls. The Fabia rides comfortably, too, doing a good job of smoothing out patchy surfaces. It does lean a little through corners, and it's hampered by a vague gearshift, though.
Refinement Refinement rating
A little wind noise builds up around the windscreen pillars as speed increases, but road and suspension noise rarely break the calm in the cabin. It's a shame the same can't be said of the engines; all the three-cylinder engines are noisy, especially at low speeds, but the real villain is the 1.9-litre diesel, which is loud and gruff compared with modern diesel engines.

Spring things.

After making my daily weekday visit to town and seeing the beautiful day that it was, I called Joan at 10AM to invite her for breakfast in the Rynek. We did it last year on her birthday and today was so perfect I thought it was time to do again. Scrambled eggs, ham, white sausage, cold coffee drink and bread. A great breakfast!

It's "Matura" time in Poland. The "seniors" of the equivalent of high school take exams to see which University they can get into. It's a very stressfull time for them and the Rynek was packed with students for a moment of rest before the grueling time began.

From the Rynek we went to weekly shopping. Stores were packed with people buying the food for the long weekend since stores are closed on Saturday and Monday for the celebration. It took a little longer than the usual one hour for us and we spent 127 zl($44) for the week of food. That doesn't include meat, sausage and bread which we buy from a local store.

Next stop after that was our 3PM Kandulski meeting with Zbyszek. We talked about the upcoming Presidential election and the fact that the dead President's brother is now in the running also for the Presidency. The polls still show the acting President, Komorowski, to be in the lead and I hope it stays that way.

Since it is Spring and nice weather, Joan and I decided it was time to have a Spring party so we are planning one for the 22nd of May. Maybe 10 or 12 people will be invited like last August and we are looking forward to it. I would like to have 20 people but that's a bit too many for our flat.

I received a message from cousin Tom Burzycki's wife, Ann, that Channel 7 in Chicago will televise the Polish Constitution Day parade this year in Chicago and put it "on demand" the next day on the Internet. I'll post it when it is ready so you can see the event. Thanks, Ann!!

Po dokonaniu codziennej wizyty w dni powszednie do miasta i zobaczyć piękny dzień, że nazwałem Joan przy 10AM zaprosić ją na śniadanie w Rynku. Zrobiliśmy to w zeszłym roku na jej urodziny, a dziś było tak doskonałe Myślałem, że nadszedł czas, aby zrobić jeszcze raz. Jajecznica, szynka, biała kiełbasa, zimno pić kawę i chleb. Pyszne śniadanie!

To "Matura" Polska w czasie. "Seniorów" ekwiwalentu liceum egzaminów University, aby zobaczyć, które mogą dostać się do. To bardzo stresujących dla nich czas i Rynek był zapakowany ze studentami na chwilę odpoczynku przed wyczerpujący czas się zaczął.

Od Rynku poszliśmy do tygodniowego sprawunki. Sklepy były zapakowane z ludźmi zakup żywności na długi weekend, ponieważ sklepy są zamknięte w soboty i poniedziałek na obchody. To trwało trochę dłużej niż zwykle jedna godzina dla nas i spędziliśmy 127 zl ($ 44) na tydzień żywności. Że nie zawiera mięsa, kiełbasy i chleb, który kupujemy w lokalnym sklepie.

Następny przystanek po to była godzina piętnasta spotkanie Kandulski ze Zbyszkiem. Rozmawialiśmy o zbliżających się wyborach prezydenckich i fakt, że brat zmarłego prezydenta jest teraz również w biegu na prezydenta. Sondaże wciąż pokazują sprawuje, Komorowski, być w czołówce i mam nadzieję, że pobyt w ten sposób.

Ponieważ jest wiosna i ładna pogoda, Joan i postanowiłem, że czas na przyjęcie wiosny więc planujemy jeden na 22 maja. Może 10 lub 12 osób zostanie zaproszonych, jak w sierpniu zeszłego roku i mamy nadzieję na to. Chciałbym mieć 20 osób, ale to trochę za wiele dla naszego mieszkania.

I otrzymałem wiadomość od żony kuzyna Toma Burzycki's, Ann, że kanał 7 w Chicago będzie televize Święto Konstytucji polskiej parady w tym roku w Chicago i umieścić go "na żądanie" następnego dnia w internecie. Wyślę ją, gdy jest gotowa, tak żeby widzieć zdarzenie. Dzięki, Ann!

Abraham Lincoln President of the United State

Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865) served as the 16th President of the United States from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865. He successfully led his country through its greatest internal crisis, the American Civil War, preserving the Union and ending slavery. Before his election in 1860 as the first Republican president, Lincoln had been a country lawyer, an Illinois state legislator, a member of the United States House of Representatives, and twice an unsuccessful candidate for election to the U.S. Senate. As an outspoken opponent of the expansion of slavery in the United States,[1][2] Lincoln won the Republican Party nomination in 1860 and was elected president later that year. His tenure in office was occupied primarily with the defeat of the secessionist Confederate States of America in the American Civil War. He introduced measures that resulted in the abolition of slavery, issuing his Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 and promoting the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution. Six days after the large-scale surrender of Confederate forces under General Robert E. Lee, Lincoln became the first American president to be assassinated.

Lincoln had closely supervised the victorious war effort, especially the selection of top generals, including Ulysses S. Grant. Historians have concluded that he handled the factions of the Republican Party well, bringing leaders of each faction into his cabinet and forcing them to cooperate. Lincoln successfully defused the Trent affair, a war scare with Britain late in 1861. Under his leadership, the Union took control of the border slave states at the start of the war. Additionally, he managed his own reelection in the 1864 presidential election.

Copperheads and other opponents of the war criticized Lincoln for refusing to compromise on the slavery issue. Conversely, the Radical Republicans, an abolitionist faction of the Republican Party, criticized him for moving too slowly in abolishing slavery. Even with these opponents, Lincoln successfully rallied public opinion through his rhetoric and speeches; his Gettysburg Address (1863) became an iconic symbol of the nation's duty. At the close of the war, Lincoln held a moderate view of Reconstruction, seeking to speedily reunite the nation through a policy of generous reconciliation. Lincoln has consistently been ranked by scholars as one of the greatest of all U.S. Presidents.

Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln

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Citroen Nemo

The Bologna Motor Show is coming and how every year the news will be very many. Here we talk about the concept that Citroen will present at the Motor Show, Citroen Nemo. Exactly, Citroen decided to call a model with the name of the famous fish of Walt Disney.

The plea was developed in cooperation with Fiat and Peugeot already presented to Roas Transport Show in Amsterdam.Ecco press release:
Completely Nemo! Nemo Concept illustrates the surprising closeness between Citroën Nemo clown fish and his namesake. Like the fish, Nemo Concept can be seen as a "piccoletto" among their fellow human beings. However, its size will translate into an advantage, especially in the way traffic.

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