Cousin Marciń Kupiński, uncle of Lenka Kupińska
(daughter of Artur and Magdalena Kupińscy)
Nice day, gray most of it and then sunny in the afternoon but we stayed at home, did our studying and talked about our upcoming party. We did take a short trip to Sołacki park which has a lot of it's inhabitants in that area upset. In the area just south of the park, it city is allowing a housing complex to be built in the near future and the residents are concerned with the influx of many new families that will have impact on the park and cause even more traffic congestion. The city also has plans for building another settlement in what is now a park on Aleja Wielkopolska, thus destroying the park. It seems "green" Poznań is losing its color for the color of money. Poznań has always been considered the "greenest" city in Poland but the "times they are a changing".
(daughter of Artur and Magdalena Kupińscy)
Nice day, gray most of it and then sunny in the afternoon but we stayed at home, did our studying and talked about our upcoming party. We did take a short trip to Sołacki park which has a lot of it's inhabitants in that area upset. In the area just south of the park, it city is allowing a housing complex to be built in the near future and the residents are concerned with the influx of many new families that will have impact on the park and cause even more traffic congestion. The city also has plans for building another settlement in what is now a park on Aleja Wielkopolska, thus destroying the park. It seems "green" Poznań is losing its color for the color of money. Poznań has always been considered the "greenest" city in Poland but the "times they are a changing".
Mily dzień, większość jest szara i słonecznie w popołudnie ale zostali w domu, czy nasze badania i rozmawialiśmy o naszej nowej strony. Zrobiliśmy sobie krótką wycieczkę do parku Sołacki, które ma wiele jej mieszkańców w tym obszarze zdenerwowany. W obszarze na południe od parku, to miasto jest umożliwienie kompleks mieszkalny powstanie w niedalekiej przyszłości, a jej mieszkańcy zajmują się napływu wielu nowych rodzin, które będą miały wpływ na park i spowodować jeszcze więcej problemów z komunikacją. Miasto ma też plany budowy innego rozstrzygnięcia, w jakim jest obecnie park przy Alei Wielkopolskiej, niszcząc tym samym parku. Wydaje się, "zielony" Poznań traci swój kolor do koloru ceny. Poznań zawsze uważana była za "najbardziej zielonej" miasta w Polska, ale "jak są" zmiany.
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